воскресенье, 12 сентября 2010 г.

ओके, इ'म हियर

Wow, actually I don't know what I've just typed in the headline, but it was supposed to be :
- Ok, I'm here
But that Type-in-Hindi-button, you know... I didn't see it was pushed. I hope these words don't exist, or at least don't have some bad meaning XD)

Frankly speaking, I'm not a big fan of blogging. I feel awkward in blog spaces. But still I have several blogs in Russian (one of them I use as archive of funny and curious horoscopes) + blog in English on myspace (though I hardly write anything there). And I've had this one for a year or so.
Now it's time to scream: "It's alive!" (FINALLY)

And when I think about blogs I remember one conversation: